First I would like to start off by saying I hope everyone is enjoying the new year of 2011. As you all know I was in CT visiting friends for New Years. Well while I was there I was coming down with a cold. UGH! Sore throat, cough, chest aching from coughing, and to top it off a stuffy nose. I have to say though as bad as it sounds its really not a bad cold. Its really bad in the morning and night time but during the day its not too bad. I have still been able to do my workouts even though I am not walking as far as I normally do. Which brings me to my next point....
I see that you all are picking a word....well I have been thinking about my word for a while now and I really wasn't sure which word would fit me best. Until today...
I really wasn't feeling well this morning. But for some reason as soon as I woke up this morning I put my gym clothes on anyways ( I find that if I lay my gym clothes out the night before and thats the first thing I do in the morning is put those gym clothes on I know that I am definitely going to work out! ) Well anyways there is a lot of constructrion going on at the house right we have 3 dogs and 1 puppy who is definitely a handful. I normally have everyone on a routine where I am able to get my workout in before any craziness goes on. Well this morning was a bit different. We have had people here since about 7am this morning which messes up my whole schedule/routine!
So here I am this morning, extremely stuffy nose not feeling good and in my workout clothes. I always find that its easier to talk myself out of not doing a workout because I will make an excuse like oh im sick not feeling good or I will work out more tomorrow...and I am sure you all have gone through this at one point or another. WELL that all changed this morning. I decided my word for the year is going to be DEDICATION. I am going to be dedicated to myself and my family and most importantly my weight loss.
So I tried something new this morning....I talked myself IN to working out instead of talking myself OUT of working out. Even though I am not feeling 100% I told myself you know what it will be better to do something instead of nothing. I actually completely surprised myself this morning was able to power walk for 30min. I did 1.80 miles and burned 252 calories. It made me feel so good and extremely proud of myself. I also weighed myself this morning and am at my lowest weight that I haven't been at in I don't know how long. My current weight is 231.2 lbs.
So for all of you lets all dedicate ourselves to a great weight loss in 2011. I want to thank all of you as well for being so supportive and following my blog. I hope everyone has a great day!!
As always....lets shed those extra pounds together!